The following email was sent in reply to the email of a Cabrini College
advisor (in addition to the 59 people he publically CCed):
Sir, I do
not have SAT scores, and my GPA and Class Rank is poor; I doubt I'd get into Cabrini.
However, I am knowledgeable enough to know that what you've just done is a huge security risk all
on its own.
I am only replying in regard to that security risk.
When you emailed me, you CC or "Carbon Copied" all of the individuals that have
been CC'ed in this message. Because of that security risk; you have released the possibly private
email addresses of 60 applicants to Cabrini College; that because of your message and my own status; I know
have not submitted their transcripts and/or SAT scores.
classify what you've done here as a "huge faux-pas", and I would suggest taking corrective
measures so that it does not happen again in the future.
should instead of CC'ing everyone you are sending a mailing to, BCC (or "Blind Carbon Copy")
them, so that their email addresses do not appear to everyone you have sent the message to.
Please, make sure that your co-workers and IT professional's also follow this standard followed by
many organizations and websites, it is of utmost importance to provide security to the future students of
Cabrini College.
- Navarr Tethyr Barnier
[email protected]
- 17 year old Senior
at Klein Collins High School, Texas
- Computer Programmer and Web Developer
- "White Hacker"
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